Gross lipemia


In the uncentrifuged tube on the left, the serum sample from a dog is opaque and pink (a combination of white lipid and hemolyzed RBC, which is a consequence of lipemia). After centrifugation at high speed (20,000 g at 4C), there is a clear fat layer in the tube (on the right), indicating increased chylomicrons. There is still a hemolyzed cloudy infranatant indicating increased VLDL as well. This is a typical result when blood is collected after eating. If this was a fasting sample, it indicates abnormal lipid metabolism with inability of endothelial lipoprotein lipase to clear CM and VLDL from circulation. The most common disorders in dogs that result in this type of fasting lipemia are diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, and pancreatitis. Corticosteroid therapy can also result in this type of a fasting lipemia. High triglycerides and cholesterol would be seen on a chemistry panel.