Donate to eClinpath

eClinpath is a free resource that was used by over 1.2 million visitors last year from 220 countries around the world. We believe that education should be available to everyone and not just those that can afford it and that is why we launched this site more than 20 years ago, making it the first on-line veterinary clinical pathology site. We have consistently improved the site, providing new items such as the expanding atlas, the regular diagnostic challenge and now instructional and educational videos on clinical pathologic topics and procedures. We still remain one of very few on-line freely available resources for clinical pathology. Our user feedback tells us this site is useful – recent quote “I would die without this site!”.

Our audience has increased 25% every year since we launched the revamped current version of the site in 2013. This consistent and dramatic increase means that the cost of maintaining the site is increasing. We also have plans to continue to improve the site and its functionality, such as generating iBooks. The current theme we are using is no longer supported and has to be replaced.

You can help us meet the demand, keep the site free, and improve the deliverability of our content by making a small gift to support our work. All gifts will go directly to fund our mission of delivering free veterinary clinical pathology resources to the global community. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

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